Ghita Amechatte

Ph.D. student (co-supervised with Dr. KhaoulaErrafi)
African Genome Center (AGC)
University Mohamed VI Polytechnique (UM6P
BenGuerir, Morocco
Link for research websites:
Google scholar:

B.Sc Human Biology and Physiology, Hassan II University, Morocco, 2021.
M.Sc Sciences of health, Hassan II University, Morocco, Aix Marseille University, Marseille, 2023.

Ghita completed her bachelor’s degree in Human Biology and Physiology at Hassan II University. She subsequently earned a dual Master’s degree in Health Sciences from both Hassan II University and Aix Marseille University. Her Master’s thesis delved into the phytochemical characterization and biological valorization of various extracts from Moroccan medicinal plants, sparking her passion for the world of plants.
Currently, Ghita is a pre-doctoral researcher at the AGC Lab, where her work is primarily focused on understanding the interactions between microbiomes and plants. Her research aims to enhance stress resistance and promote growth, with the ultimate goal of developing crops that are both robust against stress and high-yielding. She has a keen interest in the role of microbiomes in sustainable agriculture, recognizing the significant promise they hold and their crucial role in plant health and ecosystem functioning.Outside the lab, Ghita enjoys expressing her creativity through the art of painting.

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